Character Name - Manek
Class - Warrior
Spec - Protection
Age - 14
Previous guilds - Knights of the anciants
Why are you leaving your current guild? i am leaving because they had enough tanks, and i am not going to b able to raid with them because they have so many tanks ( only dinged lvl 70 on Wednesday 30th july )
Details of alts, if any (Class, level, Guild name, realm if not Emerald Dream) - i got a lvl 70 tauren hunter on Emerald Dream, and few few lobies
Raiding experience - Kara to aran ( mising illhoof
Recommendations or references (if any)
Character link from WOW Armory -
Availability for raiding e.g. weeknights or weekends - i am avilable most days exept some wednesdays.
How often online per week - i am onlne most nights
How do you feel you can contribute to the guild? - i am a very helpful peson, and will help most ppl when they ask. i will also contrubute to the guild bank quite often
What are you looking for from the guild? i am looking for an active raiding guild, who have fun riding, and a general good laugh in general.