Hello everyone.
Character Name: Brashinga
Class: Warrior
Spec.: Protection - 7/5/49
Age: 14 (soon 15 though)
Previous Guilds: Alien Ant Farm/Valium, Daylight Murderers.
Why are you leaving your current guild?: Issues with Guild Master.
Details of alts, if any (Class, level, Guild name, realm if not Emerald Dream): 43 Dranei Mage lvling with the speed of sound, out of guild. Plus I have a 19 NE rogue twink.
Raiding experience: Very small. Have had, I think, 3 Kara runs, no completed though. Done a few heroic instances, but guess that doesn't count as Raiding expirience.
Recommendations or references (if any): Acefreeze - Previous member, who's, as far as I'm concerned, still hanging round with you guys.
Character link from WOW Armory:
Availability for raiding e.g. weeknights or weekends: Because of my age, I'm still in school and I'll may have to cancel once in a while, although this won't be very often. Otherwise I'll be able to raid from around 8ish till latest 12.30, on pretty much every day of the week.
How often online per week: Various from 2-6 hours per day. Guess that'll leave me with around 40 hours per week.
How do you feel you can contribute to the guild?: I feel like i can contribute with alot of positive thoughts, and festive mood. I'm not afraid of helping others, and even though i might not be able to donate a hell of a lot money to the GB, i'll try as hard as i can to donate items needed. And last but not least: Who doesn't need a brilliant tank?
What are you looking for from the guild?: I'm looking for a positive atmosphere, and alot of nice people. Im the type who sets social over serious, because I think that it's an important factor, that you wish to play the game. Otherwise I'm looking for raiding and improvement in every angle possible. Don't say i don't have ambitions :p
That was all. I hope i'll hear from you guys soon, and hopefully with a great response