Character Name - Known as Shirtninja... or at least I'd hope so, it is my characters name after all.
Class - Mage, although God knows why.
Spec. - 12/0/49 Frost. This probably explains it a tad better.
Age - 19 years young.
Previous guilds - Realm of Light pre-TBC. Post-TBC I've been in Forlorn Hope (Sadly just before their demise) and The Revolution
Why are you leaving your current guild? - The guild has no real sense of where it wants to go. Well that and raid leaders spamming me asking if I'm 100% positive I know what I'm doing and then asking what happens at 30% on Magtheridon... /facepalm.
Details of alts, if any (Class, level, Guild name, realm if not Emerald Dream) - Don't run many alts. I've got a 36 Warrior called Johall if that's any use at all?
Raiding experience - Everything up to Naxx Pre TBC and Post TBC Kara, Magtheridons (Post and Pre nerf, BRING BACK CUBE ROTATIONS!) and Gruuls (Not as a tank)
Recommendations or references (if any) - My mum says I'm proper good at WoW. No she doesn't. She doesn't have a clue what happens on the "Magic internet box"
Character link from WOW Armory - See THIS..... again.
Availability for raiding e.g. weeknights or weekends - Available all week in the evening apart from Tuesday and Thursday.
How often online per week - 4-6 hours depending on Coursework.
How do you feel you can contribute to the guild? - The baddest Gnome that the world of Azeroth has ever seen. And apparently I'm rather humorous. Who'd have thunk it?
What are you looking for from the guild? - A guild that has the maturity to not act like a shower of five year olds day in and day out and to have a guild chat I can read without cringing. Apart from that they can still be working through Gnomeregan as far as I'm concerned.
Cheers for having a butchers folks, feel free to ask after me ingame