Character Name: Elitepower
Class: Druid
Spec. Feral
Age 18
Previous guilds He Who Dares
Why are you leaving your current guild? Most members have left and guild masters never on.
Details of alts, if any (Class, level, Guild name, realm if not Emerald Dream) - Tokamurd 70 BM hunter, Aceofblades 19 (twink), Truespartan 32 ret. paladin, Bloodwraith 30 rogue, aceofrage 20 shaman.
Raiding experience. have cleared kara once as OT. also done gruuls but that was on hunter.
Recommendations or references (if any) Decided to join after a friendly chat with Eliphias ^^
Character link from WOW Armory
Availability for raiding e.g. weeknights or weekends : available almost every night (especially on weekends) but will be getting back to work soon so might only be available for raids on weekends only im not sure.
How often online per week. everyday
How do you feel you can contribute to the guild? Well with a little help i will leanr to tank anything and everything. =P
What are you looking for from the guild? Fun, hoping for plenty of raids and instances, also maybe a party at the pub lol XD