Character Name: Miketaker
Class: Druid
Spec: Feral
Age: 14
Previous guilds: Tugas, Cavaleiros do Apocalypse
Why are you leaving your current guild? I'm leaving my curent guild because it's a very innactive guild who doesn't help each others.. i want to meet new people
I have no alts
Raiding experience: Zul'Gurub (cleared)
Character link from WOW Armory:
Availability for raiding e.g. weeknights or weekends: always available at weeknights, and sometimes at weekends
How often online per week: every day
How do you feel you can contribute to the guild? I think I can be a very good tank in the guild raids, and be very friendly, and help the ones who need =)
What are you looking for from the guild? I hope this is a very good, and active, raiding guild. And that helps all the members