Character Name: Grany
Class: Prist
Spec: Holy
Age: 24
Previous guilds: none, i transfered my char cos on my previouse was stuck all the time...
Why are you leaving your current guild?
i didnt
Details of alts, if any (Class, level, Guild name, realm if not Emerald Dream)
not on this server, i got 39 rogue tho, and 70 mage, but they are on another server
Raiding experience:
kara cleared, za 4/6, gruuls ssc and tk
Recommendations or references (if any)
i spoke to Eliphias and he told me to apply
Character link from WOW Armory:
Availability for raiding e.g. weeknights or weekends
allmost every day from 18:00 till 24:00
How often online per week
trying to be online every day
exept when i have vacation
How do you feel you can contribute to the guild?
sure ofc
i like heroics so if i get guild run would be awsom
good for me and good for every1
What are you looking for from the guild?
having nice time, help eachother, getting help and improove myself with knowlege