Character Name
Previous guilds
Darkcraft Team, Centum Capita,Silience I kill You
Why are you leaving your current guild?
I am leaving them becuase i have been in there 3 week they have not done 1 single raid and the are still in low end kara.
Details of alts, if any (Class, level, Guild name, realm if not Emerald Dream)
Diedbank Mage Lvl 53. Littledruid lvl 33 Druid
Raiding experience
All of Kara, Grulls Lair (not full clear), ZA 3 bosses(abit rusty not been in there for a while)
Recommendations or references (if any)
Character link from WOW Armory
For some reason it can't find me sorry
Availability for raiding e.g. weeknights or weekends
can raid most nights but only untill 10:30 GT(when at school) and fri and sat unstill 1am GT
How often online per week
i'm online most days, mainly fri and sat
How do you feel you can contribute to the guild?
I think i'm a quite good healer, i always try my hardest, and i think i'm generaly a nice person. (i talk quite alot)
What are you looking for from the guild?
I am looking for a relaxed envirioment , which raids mainly on fri and sat.