Before filling out the application form below, please review the following:
1. You must visit our recommended downloads page if you are to raid with us.
2. All new members will be recruits for a period of 2 weeks. In this time, you will be expected to sign up for raids at least twice. You must also prove to be friendly, co-operative and mature during this trial period.
3. Raiding with pugs or other guilds instead of joining guild raids is not permitted, unless approval is granted by an officer.
4. Be prepared to listen to and act on recommendations regarding gear and talent build.
Please do not apply if:
1. You like to guild hop.
2. You have a tendency to flare up and be impatient in raids and instances.
3. Your only focus is gearing yourself up.
To apply, please start a new topic with the following information. Any applications with missing information will not be considered for membership:
Character Name
Previous guilds
Why are you leaving your current guild?
Details of alts, if any (Class, level, Guild name, realm if not Emerald Dream)
Raiding experience
Recommendations or references (if any)
Character link from WOW Armory
Availability for raiding e.g. weeknights or weekends
How often online per week
How do you feel you can contribute to the guild?
What are you looking for from the guild?
Once you have submitted your application with this information, please check the thread periodically for an update on your application. If your application is successful, further instructions will be posted by one of our officers.